Friday, January 31, 2014

Review on L'Oreal Paris New Volume Filler Thickening Sampoo & Densifying Gelee

Hi everybody! This is my review of the new L'Oreal Paris Volume Filler Thickening Sampoo & Densifying Gelee. So this is pretty much my first impression review. Just to let you know first, I would say I had average thickness to my hair and never had a problem with thinning until after I had my first child last year and when he was about 4 months old I started having a lot of hair loss due to hormones. It is common for pregnant women to have thicker, fuller hair because it stops falling out at a normal rate during pregnancy. The average person looses about 100 hairs a day and that slows down big time when you are pregnant. Then within the first year after you baby is born the hair starts to fall out at a faster rate. It may not happen to all women after having a baby but it did to me and no one even told me it may happen so yeah I had some freak out moments. Anyways...I used these products for the first time last night and was so impressed I had to go ahead and tell you about them! I will try to explain how I feel about them the best I can, now that I feel like my brain is fried after trying to figure out how to start a blog haha. So let's start with the shampoo, it contains a new ingredient called filloxane which L'Oreal claims on the back of the bottle to penetrate and create texture from within. It also contains arginine-k complex to penetrate hair fiber from root to tip to help make it healthier. The claim is that it has instant results and lasting volume over time. When I used the shampoo for the first time I did notice my hair felt a little thicker just when lathering, however I'm not fond of the smell but if it does what it claims then I can overlook the smell. It's not a bad just doesn't smell fruity or flowery, just smells like basic shampoo if that makes since. What I was most impressed with though is the Volume Filler densifying gelee. It's a clear gel like formula that you work into your hair after you are out of the shower and ready to blow dry your hair. I just used my regular Pantene detangler spray, combed my hair and while it was still wet I worked the gelee all through my hair. The directions on the bottle say for best results lift roots while blow drying. So that's what I did, just lifted the roots with my fingers and I could already see results before I was finished blow drying. The claim on the front of the shampoo bottle says "feels like 2x more hair", I didn't think the shampoo did that but I will give it to the densifying gel that it definitely made my hair look and feel thicker. So far I would recommend these products to anyone who has fine, thin hair. I think it does what it claims unlike so many other products I feel like I end up just wasting my time and money on. Hope this helps, thanks for stopping by!

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